What Clients are saying...

A weekly hour with Polly has transformed me - I feel like I've shed a skin.  

After the start of our 12 week course, I was overweight and miserable: no energy, awful mood swings, alcohol cravings, night sweats, aching joints and bloating.Now, I've lost 5 kg and it's staying off.  Exercise is now my friend. I'm in a positive frame of mind - a good mood - most of time.  You have to do the work but Polly makes the work pleasurable and the results speak for themselves.  Highly recommended.


When I first got in touch with Polly, I was feeling quite at a loss. I was constantly tired, lacking in direction, unsure of what to do next or what to look forward to.

Within 4 weeks of working with Polly my hair stopped falling out. Everything has turned around and the change I have noticed in myself is the drive I needed. I have felt able now to make big life decisions and felt so much more positive about the future.

Polly has helped me reframe things I have had life long blocks about in many different areas in my life and approach them in a healthy way. I have told everyone I know about her. 

Claire F

Polly has helped challenge and support me towards my goals which 3 months ago seemed unachievable.  Thanks to Polly, I can now turn snatched moments into making proper time for myself and well being. I now have a toolkit to fall back on so that I can look after myself and am the best I can be for those what I love.

Liz S.